How to Get a Girlfriend 101: 11 Tips to Make It Happen

how to get a girlfriend

Read more about how to make a girlfriend here.

This will help you find love better than trying to force a relationship with someone. It’s normal to be curious about dating in junior high. Talk to your parents or guardians to see if it’s okay for you to date. If it is, start small by just getting to know someone. Use this time to have fun and get to know yourself rather than trying to get serious.

Alternatively, if she turns you down, accept her answer gracefully by thanking her for her honesty. Whether you’ve been casually dating, exchanging flirty messages, or hanging out only as friends, asking a girl to be your girlfriend can be a nerve-wracking experience. But it doesn’t have to be! You can ask her with confidence by using a few strategies.

After some chatting, you might mention how well you get along. For example, you could say “I always have a lot of fun talking to you like this. We get along pretty well, don’t you think? ” Next, tell her how you feel about her and ask her to be your girlfriend. For instance, you could say “I like you a lot, and I’d really like the chance to date you.” If she agrees to be your girlfriend, smile, laugh, or tell her how nervous you were and how relieved you are now.

3. Pretend to be someone else.

But it’s really good to be passionate about things (not just work) and if you’re motivated to achieve things, women will instantly find you more attractive and interesting. Men are notoriously bad at asking women questions. Women often complain that men speak a lot about themselves on dates and don’t take a lot of interest in what they have to say.

  • To assure you’re not chasing anymore.
  • Who knows, things could change in time.
  • He will teach you everything he knows about girls in one single program in his One Date System.
  • If her life is complicated or she doesn’t want a relationship, you will have to decide whether to continue getting to know her or to try a different girl.
  • Talk to your parents or guardians to see if it’s okay for you to date.

You win. I lose. Just another day at the park. #8 Be a good listener. This is essential.

A Final Word Of Advice

If you dated throughout high school but moved away to go to college, chances are you will want to find a new girlfriend that goes to your school. Getting a girlfriend takes time and patience, but if you find a good match, the process will be more enjoyable than stressful. Trust me – when you’re a stand up guy, when you’re passionate about your life and you’re interested in living it, people (which does include women) will WANT to know about it and they’ll want you to share it with them.

When you’re dating a girl you really like, it’s easy to fall into the “let’s solidify things” trap and try to verbally make things official. Women want a challenge just as much as we do, so don’t give too much away, especially in the early stages of dating, otherwise you’ll kill the thrill of the chase and she’ll quickly lose interest.

For instance, if you know that you want to say, “Sarah, I just really like spending time with you and I want you to be my girlfriend,” it can help guide your conversation. Make sure you act differently towards her friends than you do to her so they know that she’s special to you. For instance, hang out with her friends as a group. Spending time with with one of her friends alone could send her mixed signals and make her think that you’re interested in her friend.

When considering how to get a girlfriend most people say ‘be funny’. Girls love guys who can make them laugh; there is that famous saying after all Couples who laugh together, stay together. Obviously it’s not always easy to be hilarious, but showing that you don’t take yourself too seriously and making the conversation light hearted will stand in your favor.

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